OpenPlant Isometrics Manager Help

Dynamic Indexing of Report Entries

OpenPlant Isometrics Manager creates index attributes for various purpose like weld ID, cut ID, part ID, etc. You can use these index attributes in the reports to provide the link between graphics and report. You can also create dynamic index on the report order.

Following are the results of different combinations sorted for Weld Reports:
  1. Sort= WELDNO.
    report = weld2
      indexprop = weldnum
      include  = IE_TYPE = CT_WELD
      COLUMN   = 5:C:weldnum
      COLUMN   = 20:C:SIZE
      COLUMN   = 20::TYPE
      SORT     = WELDNO
      NODE     = 61
  2. Sort = Type
    report = weld2
      indexprop = weldnum
      include  = IE_TYPE = CT_WELD
      COLUMN   = 5:C:weldnum
      COLUMN   = 20:C:SIZE
      COLUMN   = 20::TYPE
      SORT     = TYPE
      NODE     = 61
  3. Sort based on property
    report = weld2
      indexprop = weldnum
      include  = IE_TYPE = CT_WELD
      COLUMN   = 5:C:weldnum
      COLUMN   = 20:C:SIZE
      COLUMN   = 25:C:WELDNO
      COLUMN   = 30:C:LENGTH
      COLUMN   = 30::TYPE
      SORT     = TYPE
      NODE     = 61
  4. Sort based on weld type Descending/Ascending by adding A/D.
    report = weld2
      indexprop = weldnum
      include  = IE_TYPE = CT_WELD
      COLUMN   = 5:C:weldnum
      COLUMN   = 20:C:SIZE
      COLUMN   = 25:C:WELDNO
      COLUMN   = 30:C:LENGTH
      COLUMN   = 30::TYPE
      SORT     = TYPE:D
      NODE     = 61
  5. The main report lists both the field and shop welds. Field welds start at 500, shop welds at 550.
    Note: Only the indexprop statements from the main report are used.
    report = welds3
      write = fieldwelds
      write = shopwelds
    report = fieldwelds
      include  = IE_TYPE=CT_WELD && IE_FIELD=1
      COLUMN   = 5:C:weldnum
      COLUMN   = 20:C:SIZE
      COLUMN   = 20::TYPE
      SORT     = weldnum
    report = shopwelds
      include  = IE_TYPE=CT_WELD && IE_FIELD=0
      COLUMN   = 5:C:weldnum
      COLUMN   = 20:C:SIZE
      COLUMN   = 20::TYPE
      SORT     = weldnum